Cloud Computing Services: advantages and ideas of how to apply it on your business

Cloud computing services are part of our day-to-day life, even if you do not recognize them. Spotify, Google Maps or Dropbox are good examples of cloud computing services that are embedded in our lives. Even so, with the help of tech wizards, cloud computing offers a great number of possibilities for companies in different segments.

Here you will understand what cloud computing is and ideas of how to apply it on your business.

What is the meaning of Cloud Computing?

The “cloud” can be understood as a set of large data centres located all around the globe. The information stored in these data centres are exchanged and accessed through an internet connection and there are copies stored in other location, to always ensure their safety. Read this article to learn more about information security.

The idea of cloud computing is that data can be accessed from anywhere in the world at any time if the access is authorized and authenticated. The user does not have to download any software or file to their working station, as everything is stored in the cloud.

By now we can already identify two big advantages of cloud computing for businesses: remote access to data and reduction of the costs with IT infrastructure. Let us see other advantages.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

As we mentioned, access to information from anywhere in the world is a big advantage, as it allows people to access the same file or document without the need to download them. Remote work, a topic that received a great deal of attention after 2020, is only possible through cloud computing.

Also, the costs with infrastructure are decreased, since everything is stored in those big data centres around the globe, not on their own physical space. Thanks to that, there is also another advantage: save of physical space. An organization that would previously need big cooled-down rooms can now fit into a small office, saving a great deal of money with leasing, cleaning, office materials and others.

Cloud Computing is the best option for small and medium companies as they will pay depending on the quantity of information or data they will move. Therefore, one can easily increase or decrease their costs according to the ideal amounts of resources, storage and processing they need. This elasticity offers flexibility for companies that are starting to build their business and understand how data exchange, access and update will work.

Types of Cloud Computing Services

According to the IT strategy adopted by an organization, cloud computing may serve it through different models, also known as SaaS, PaaS, or IaaS.

SaaS or Software as a Service

This is the most common model of cloud computing service in organizations. Using software as a service, companies can use the software without downloading it on the working stations. These software work on a sign-up model, meaning you only pay for the number of licences or access permissions you need. Therefore, you pay to use it, but not for the software itself.

CRM and ERP software have been using this cloud computing model in the last few years. Also e-mail services and other public applications such as WhatsApp, Skype and Facebook also work in this model.

PaaS or Platform as a Service

The offer here is the entire cloud development platform to create, modify and optimize software and applications. Platform as a Service may include operating systems, developing tools, managing systems, business intelligence services and others, besides all the infrastructure needed to run or improve mobile and web applications. Users do not have to worry about buying or managing software, servers, or firewalls. Plus, the PaaS provider is responsible for managing the database, spearing their clients from investing in data centres.

IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service

IaaS offers the highest level of flexibility and control over IT resources. Infrastructure as a Service essentially means leasing servers, network connections, bandwidth, and IP addresses in different locations, without the need to invest on equipment. Again, the client will only pay for what is being used and is able to cancel, increase or decrease the service at any time.

Here is how you can apply cloud computing in your company

You have been using cloud computing services for a long time and it is now a common practice among organizations – from small start-ups to big enterprises. Among all the advantages we have already pointed out in this article, cloud computing offers limitless possibilities for all kinds of businesses. Here are some ideas of how you could apply cloud computing in your organization.

Create institutional applications

With the help of Platform as a Service you can create new applications fast and with little costs. Plus, you can adapt the solution according to the security, performance, and privacy requirements of your company.

Store and Backup Data

Save money and physical space by adopting an IaaS service to store your data safely. The best part is that the entire team will be able to access this data, always respecting security protocols.

Data Analytics

When unifying the location of the information by using cloud storage, it is possible to apply machine learning and artificial intelligence to attractively present data and provide valuable business insights to everyone involved. Read about data science here.

No matter how you are planning to apply cloud computing in your business, you will need to find the best team to help you in this task. Specialized in providing remote agile teams, Madiff has developed cloud computing projects in different industries, thus gathering a 100.000+ tech professionals database that can work remotely on your next cloud computing project. Talk to us today!

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