AI Experiences: Artificial Intelligence for Customer Experience

With the constant technological advancements we have experienced in the fourth industrial revolution, customers’ expectations for innovative, personalized, and immersive customer care practices have grown exponentially.

In this matter, AI experiences have gained more and more space in different industries. Organizations have understood the power of this technology when it comes to straightening relationship with customers, attracting new business opportunities, and increasing competitive advantage.

Here we will reflect together on how to leverage artificial intelligence to transform customer experience.

Immersive Experiences

Immersive experiences are dedicated to offering people the possibility to interact closer with products and services. Clients are invited to actively participate on the process.

This immersion is enabled by AI technologies and through Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality devices. Additionally, web pages and applications that allow a 360 vision of different environments and products. The level of interaction on immersive CX is much more significant.

Immersive CX contributes to straighten the relationship between the brand and your audience, plus it helps persuading potential customers by showing them how a given product or service would work in real life.

How can Artificial Intelligence transform customer experience?

Artificial Intelligence can transform customer experience by proposing personalized immersive approaches, that can optimize every interaction between customer and brand – whether on customer care, buying journey or consumption of the purchased solution.

Comprehension of customer’s feelings

Systems that operate with AI are capable of identifying and interpreting customer’s emotions by natural language processing. It is possible to train AI software, so they learn how to “read” subjective nuances at large scale. This way, it is much easer for the brand to develop and maintain an emotional connection to its audience.

Precise analysis on customer journey

Artificial intelligence also acts as facilitator of customer journey analysis. Based on past data, it is possible to identify patterns that will help understand the path customers will go through since the first interaction until after sales. With this information, you can draw coherent strategies for each step of the way, generating more conversions and increasing customer satisfaction.

Image and sound recognition

AI systems are capable of recognizing images and sounds. This allows these systems to categorize files of different formats based on previously established criteria and elements contained in the images or sounds. This will optimize the work of marketing and customer care professionals that aim to offer the best user experiences.

Content optimization

Artificial Intelligence has helped content marketing professionals to map the types of content that generate the most interest and engagement. By knowing what the most visited blog pages, most clicked buttons and most downloaded content are, one can offer contents that are more relevant to their audience and, therefore, that will generate the most results.

Chatbots and virtual assistants

Chatbots are conversational robots that operate with artificial intelligence. These virtual assistants simulate human language by interacting with customers at different times during their journey. A social media AI chatbot will get smarter throughout the process and provide more precise and personalized answers.

Now that you know more about how AI can transform your customer experience, how about increasing the investment in this technology? To do it smartly, trust Madiff to be your partner! Talk to one of our consultants today.

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