Main principles of psychology applied to UX Design

Psychology is a huge part of UX design development as it involves understanding how people interact with products and how their decision-making process work. Being able to read how consumers form their decision of buying allows businesses to influence this decision, a recurring discussion among UX developers and designers.

Psychology applied to UX Design is a combination of neuroscience, social and cognitive psychology, and human-computer interaction, meaning UX design from the human behaviour point of view.

UX Design is all about user experience

On a quick online search is possible to find many definitions to user experience. But they all have one thing in common: the human element. For instance, this is the user experience design definition according to Wikipedia:

“User experience design (UX design, UXD, UED, or XD) is the process of creating evidence-based, interaction designs between human users and products or websites.”

Therefore, to develop a successful user experience, an UX design team must understand the persona that will interact with the platform, app, website, or digital product. From that analysis, psychology applied to UX Design really kicks in.

The socialization principle

This principle relates to sociological studies and essentially means that humans are social beings; social culture and norms play a huge role in our lives. We seek to exchange and compare behaviours and in internet this has never been more in evidence.

For UX design this means allowing users to share content, comments, and reviews. Besides offering a great way to attend the socialization principle, this engagement is highly valued for any brand online. Adding buttons to follow on social media or directly share a content or online product on other websites is a great way to reach a broader audience.

The principle of least effort

This principle is a very well-known theory, originally from evolutionary biology. It ultimately means that humans will choose the path with least resistance. In other words, humans naturally select whichever option requires the least effort. And this is true not only to humans, but to animals and, of course, machines. A lean short code is always more attractive.

For instance, if you want to educate users about your platform, it is preferable to show them the way on the platform itself or create a very objective document with only meaningful information. If you must present a great number of information, offer options to filter and order this information, so the user is able to find what they need with the least effort. A search field has the same principle: an easy way to get straight to the point.

The identity theory

Humans want to feel like they are part of something greater, feel like they belong to a certain group and are an essential part of that group’s identity. This also happens to brands – people like to be associated with brands because it gives them a sense of identity.

By developing a good branding – using unique colour schemes, logos, language, and slogans – a business is seen as an individual with exclusive values. Creating an open communication between the brand and users will also make them feel special and part of the community. Being open to receive feedback will make users feel like their opinion is relevant and thus create a closer relationship with the brand.

Did you know UX design could have so much to do with psychology? Follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram or Twitter and share this with your community. Comment if you would like to see a part 2 of this content!

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