What is advergame and why it can be an amazing strategy for your business

Advergames are personalized games, developed with the sole purpose of promoting a company, product, or brand. Since the initial console boom in the 80s and 90s, classic brands started to appear in the gaming scenario, bringing gamability, challenges and charismatic characters to this universe.

Advergames may not be common for those unfamiliarized with game publicity. Here we will approach the 4 main types of advergame to help you understand how it can revolutionize your brand’s communication.

The main types of advergames

The most popular variations of advergames are explicit in-game publicity and console integration, as these allow geographic segmentation and real-time implementation. Here are some of the most common types of advergames used nowadays.

DIGA – Dynamic In Game Ads

The complex 3D scenarios offered nowadays and the gaming experience itself allow more interactivity, specially in advertisement.

With the success of PlayStation and Nintendo 64, which offered an important evolution in graphics, publicity found its way into virtual scenarios to display brands in a personalized way, taking into consideration the geographical localization, time, and weekday of the player.

This is known as Dynamic Ads, and requires from the advertiser a constant update, besides working side by side with game developers. This type of advergame can be found on console, mobile and browser games.

Console Integration

Consoles are microcomputers meant to execute all sorts of games. Console integration is when the publicity is inserted on the presentation screen of platforms like Xbox One or PlayStation 5.

Ads appear on console homes, where the user clicks and opens a personalized page, micro-page or virtual scenario of the advertiser. In this type of publicity, ads can be segmented by console, age, and other criteria defined by data retrieving.

Static Game Advertisement

It is very similar to dynamic advertisement, but the Ads are presented during the game development, without the possibility of being updated. These ads allow a closer interaction with the player.

Product Placement

On direct translation, product placement means effortlessly presenting products or services during games. Brands use games to interact with potential customers and allow them to experiment and know the product, even if only virtually.

Game producers see in this digital performance an opportunity to find sponsorship even before the game is launched, adapting the storytelling to the sponsor’s needs.

The impact of Advergames in the gaming industry

Traditional communication is saturated. We are living a revolution of new media. Users consume more and more online content and companies need an active voice and countless ways to communicate and disseminate a message.

If you seek technological strategies and innovative ideas for your brand, talk to one of our consultants! Our teams are always ready to think outside the box and propose unique technological solutions to our customers.

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