The basics of building the right digital product

Digital products are the main interaction point for companies, whether to provide services or enable operations. They are also very familiar to us, users, that are always in contact with it through apps or web solutions.

Thanks to technological advancements, there was a massive increase in the number of digital products available. The need to pay attention to the conditions of usage and particular needs of each user has also become more important to increase accessibility. However, building a digital product is not that simple.

Here are some tips on developing a digital product.

Planning the right Digital Product

When creating a digital product, it is important to guarantee that the final product will meet the needs of the user. In other words, if it is the right product for your audience. At the end, it must be the best alternative for users and business’ needs. Besides, it should generate value and a concrete financial return (ROI) that justifies the investment.

Having a vision of the future is also important. Meaning you must know exactly what the final goal is, what needs the final product must attend and how it should work. Additionally, you must have in mind which results you expect to achieve from this product.

With that in mind, a roadmap of actions, goals and responsibilities is drawn. The product team is usually responsible for assuring that all stakeholders have their expectations aligned, to ensure that all decisions will generate value to the final product.

Designing the Digital Product

As the final goals and roadmap have been defined by the product manager, UX and UI designers will ensure the solution meets the needs of the users and is optimized for different scenarios. Designers are the guardian of product experience and must seek excellent usability and accessibility.

This discipline has methods and tools for research, ideation and validation that allow the team to create digital products that will be loved by final users.

The design team is also constantly seeking comprehension of existing processes. They will build flows that reduce errors and optimize users’ time in contact with the solution.

Going above and beyond for the right digital product

Although everything presented above is very important, following it is not a guarantee of success. To really achieve this goal, it is important to make good decisions about the development of a solution. This is the work of Engineering and Operations teams, that work together to create the right product most efficiently.

Besides efficiency, technical quality, scalability, and security are also serious concerns of the Engineering and Operations teams when building a digital product.

As a result, you have a resilient product, capable of evolving and adapting to achieve its purpose. The engineering team will be responsible for applying the best practices in software development. Technological advancement happens daily and, to assure quality and innovation, it is important to have an engineering team that is paying attention to these changes.

The last thing that engineers will have in mind for digital products is agility and antifragility. The operation team validates these two aspects as they hold the proper methodology to ensure constant delivering and best practices.

Building digital products that make life easier

The necessary structure to build a successful digital product depends on the nature of each solution and the available team. However, the final goal is to always have enough structure to support an excellent working process. In other words, a flow that prevents flaws and allow the creation of the right product, in the right way.

If you are looking to build a digital product, talk to one of our consultants to see how our remote Agile teams can help you build your dream team!

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