What is the difference between low-code, no-code and bespoke software

Whether we are talking about start-ups or large organizations, low-code and no-code is something largely discussed when talking about digital transformation. In other words, any solution that contributes to process improvement and business digitalization.

Even for organizations that are not looking at digital transformation, no-code and low-code are gaining attention. This is due specially to the lower time and financial investment required to develop a software. Even so, it will not the ideal solution for every case.

Here we have elected the differences between low-code, no-code and bespoke software so you can identify what is the best solution for your case.

What is low-code and no-code software

The term low-code refers to software applications that require less programming than bespoke software. While no-code requires no programming at all, as it is a tool prepared to be used by non-developer users.

Wix and WordPress are perfect examples of low and no-code. These are great options for who wants to build institutional websites, blogs, landing pages and e-commerce websites using no or low-code.

They allow agencies to offer a much cheaper service and quick deliver. If they would develop a website from the scratch (bespoke software), the service could be even 5x more expensive. Even so, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

When to use low-code and no-code software

When considering low-code and no-code, it is all about strategy. For a company that needs to validate their business model, it is the perfect solution. With lower investment and reasonable amount of functionalities, it offers a great way to launch an idea and watch it take its first steps.

Some functionalities and integrations with other platforms (such as CRM, E-mail marketing and analytics platforms) might start to get tricky once the business grows and builds its own necessities and KPIs. In that case, one might have to consider creating a new personalized solution.

The important thing to have in mind is that, when using low or no-code software, the idea is to reach as large audience as possible with common tools and functionalities, avoiding specificities. Which means it will not be a scalable solution in the future.

What to consider when choosing the best software building solution


This is not the case for Wix or WordPress, but many tools will charge per number of users logged in. Power Apps is one example of this and will have a variable cost depending on how many people will use it. For a small business this is not too relevant, but for a large company it may be a problem.

Therefore, depending on how large your team is, you must estimate what will be the real cost of the solution monthly to calculate if a personalized solution will not make more sense on the long run.

Tool Limitations

Wix is an example of a tool that carries many limitations. Especially for e-commerce websites: product location, cart and user profiles do not allow many customization. If we are talking about an online store that is on its early stages this might be good, since you can count on the expertise of the solution to dictate rules.

However, if we are talking about a store that is already running for some time or that wants to offer a personalized user experience, it does not make sense to use a low-code or no-code tool. The same goes to applying different integrations such as video calls, chats, messenger, or financial software. In this case, a unique solution is needed to meet such requirements.


Imagine that Wix decides to drastically change its standard functionalities. Thousands of websites around the world would be affected. If your platform is build on a low-code or no-code tool, it is subjected to any changes that might come from the company that owns the technology.

If you are looking to develop a bespoke software for your business, talk to our consultants to see how we can create a solution optimized for your team and final users.

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