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AI Tools for Developers: the Future of Software Development

As software development continues to evolve, so too do the tools that developers use to create it. The range of tools available to developers...

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Top Podcasts for Developers in 2023

As technology continues to evolve rapidly, developers don’t always have the time to read documentation and get familiar with new trends. One of the...

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The Social Impact of Web3: Exploring the Promise and Potential of Decentralized Systems

The emergence of Web3 has brought about a new era of decentralized web technologies, promising a more equitable, transparent, and secure internet experience. Web3...

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New Project Delivered: Quality Assurance for Blockchain

We have recently completed a Quality Assurance project for a customer who was developing a web-based NFT video creator based on blockchain technology. The...

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The Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Programming languages are the backbone of computer science and the digital world. With new technologies and advancements emerging every day, it is important to...

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The Crypto Revolution: What's Next for Bitcoin and Beyond

The world of cryptocurrencies is evolving at a breakneck pace. According to a report by, the total number of global cryptocurrency users reached...

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Women in Tech Series: Driving Gender Equality with Anna Kaiser from FINN

How a Munich-based Startup is Disrupting the Automotive Industry and Empowering Women in Tech The automotive industry has been going through significant changes, and...

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Productivity Hacks for the Modern Developer: How to Succeed While Working Remotely

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has become the new norm for many developers, and it still continues to be the...

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6 Cybersecurity Trends That Will Impact the Security Industry in 2023

As technology continues to advance, the security industry must stay vigilant to keep pace with cyber threats. With each passing year, new technologies emerge...

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Edge Computing: Innovations on the Edge

The rise of edge computing has been driven by the increasing demand for real-time data processing and analysis in industries such as healthcare, retail,...

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Design Fiction: Using Science Fiction for Innovation

Innovation has become a focus point on corporative discussions, and an urgent need to standout in any industry. Techniques such as design fiction, that...

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What is the difference between low-code, no-code and bespoke software

Whether we are talking about start-ups or large organizations, low-code and no-code is something largely discussed when talking about digital transformation. In other words,...

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What are the Digital Trends for Retail in 2023

With new business models being born every day, organizations must have one question in mind: am I prepared to be competitive in this market?...

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4 main soft skills for developers: is technical knowledge enough?

With the advancement of technology and globalization, the market is continuously demanding professionals that are more and more prepared to deal with the adversities...

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How to use Desk Research for Design Thinking

One of the most important stages on Product Design is research. It may include many types of research, such as Product Discovery, but Desk...

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Becoming a frontend developer: where to start?

A frontend developer is responsible for developing everything that will be processed on the client-side and will be shown to the user on their...

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