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Women in Tech Series: Isabelle Mohr from Jina AI and the NLP Challenges

"I managed to find an inner strength to push me into doing something I was interested in regardless of that little voice in my...

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Product Discovery: what it is and how to put it in action

Any company that works with innovation knows the importance of IT outsourcing to achieve a good technological development. Aligning production with process automation is...

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What you need to know about MVP and how to create one for your next project

Do you know the definition of minimum viable product (MVP)? Imagine you had a great idea for your business model, and believe it has...

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Using technology to improve customer journey

Mapping customer journey requires thinking about each step with the main goal of guiding the customer through their buying process. It is essential to...

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The basics of building the right digital product

Digital products are the main interaction point for companies, whether to provide services or enable operations. They are also very familiar to us, users,...

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Hybrid IT: what it means and advantages for your business

Information technology is perhaps the industry with the most expansion over the last years. This is due to the impact of the pandemic, that...

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Best practices on data visualization: creating an efficient workspace for everyone

Data is produced at extraordinary speed, whereas analysing and reporting must work at the same pace to generate meaningful results. Good practices in data...

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Top 10 Developer’s Tools in 2022

People working with software and applications development are aware that there are many obstacles when developing or testing an application. However, many tools have...

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What is Flutter, advantages and how it changed app development

Have you imagined how much time could be saved if you could develop applications natively compiled for multiple platforms like mobile, desktop and web?...

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What to expect from blockchain and crypto in 2023

The second trimester of 2022 has been challenging for the crypto market. As if it was not clear enough that we are in a...

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What is advergame and why it can be an amazing strategy for your business

Advergames are personalized games, developed with the sole purpose of promoting a company, product, or brand. Since the initial console boom in the 80s...

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Main principles of psychology applied to UX Design

Psychology is a huge part of UX design development as it involves understanding how people interact with products and how their decision-making process work....

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What is FinOps and how it can help you optimize cloud services

Cloud storage services offer infinite resources, such as scalability, flexibility, easy access to data and reduced costs. However, many businesses might face problems with...

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Agile Leadership: concept, principles, and characteristics of Agile leaders

Agile leadership is a very useful concept when talking about managers at any market. Managers have the key responsibility to be the head of...

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Defining Web3: differences from Web2, NFTs and innovations

This “new phase” on the internet is gaining more and more attention among international IT professionals. Considered the third generation of internet, the innovations...

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What is Robotic Process Automation and why you should implement it

Automation is one of the keywords of digital transformation, boosted after Covid-19. In this scenario of technological changes, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has attracted...

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